Loved speaking at Unity of Boulder about Proof of the Divine

It was so wonderful to speak at Unity of Boulder again! After 4 years and so many life challenges for all of us – standing on that stage felt like being home. I loved sharing my work with the Woo Woo Moms and what they’ve taught me about how we can access...

It was an honor speaking to grieving parents on July 13

It was the honor of a lifetime to speak to this international group of grieving parents on July 13. This video is the presentation: I’ve worked with grieving parents since the 2013 publication of my book Bridges to Heaven: True...

Thinking about our soul plans…

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about soul plans and soul agreements. For decades I’ve understood that we create a soul plan before we incarnate into this physical realm. And we make soul agreements (sometimes painful ones) with all of our beloveds to help us grow. We...

Sue Frederick’s 5 Step Grief-Shifting Model

Sue Frederick’s Five Step Grief Shifting Model: 1.-Shock or Shared Death Experience: We’re lifted into an alternative state of consciousness at the moment of our loved one’s death. This can last days or months; it affects our ability to eat and sleep. We are not completely in our bodies. With awareness, we can use this as a time of sacred connection; a sort of vision quest consciousness provided by our departed loved one.