To everyone in Boulder, Colorado my heart is broken wide open by the events of March 22. This collective trauma is also a shared grief; we need to feel it to heal it as we transform our pain into a strengthening of our powerful sacred hearts.

My online grief workshop is Saturday April 10 at 9 am Pacific time. Here’s the link to sign up. Please join me to shift our grief into loving compassion and sacred healing for all.

This message is for you:

You are loved. Even in your darkest grief and purest rage – Divine Love pours to and through you – opening you to higher frequencies of loving consciousness and wisdom. This powerful love strengthens your sacred heart – as it flows through you looking for an outlet – someone to pour healing love into. Yes! You are being called in your grief to be a healer; to love more; to live in the realm of compassion and grace for all. This is a big calling but you’ve been chosen because you’re ready. My heart aligns with yours as we journey through this troubled world together. We can do this.

Many blessings, Sue Frederick author of Bridges to Heaven