
Author and life-long Intuitive Sue Frederick’s work, described as a “breath of fresh air” and “an enlightened new perspective,” has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Complete Woman, Natural Health, Fit Yoga, and at venues like Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York. She’s been interviewed on more than 200 radio and TV shows including Bridging Heaven & Earth. Sue’s YOUTUBE channel: has hundreds of helpful classes and talks. She’s also the author of Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego & Align with Your Soul; I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive’s Guide to Finding the Work You Came Here to do; and I See Your Soul Mate: An Intuitive’s Guide to Finding & Keeping Love; Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side & Water Oak: The Happiness of Longing.  

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Denver Post
Boulder Career Counselor Uses Numerology to Guide Clients

New York Times
Need Help Finding Your Bliss? Hire a Coach

Business is booming for psychic career counselor

The Times-Picayune
‘Career intuitive’ Sue Frederick uses ‘the gift’ to steer people to jobs

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Suggested Interview Questions for Media

Watch this video interview and go here to see more.

Sue Frederick Media

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Radio and TV Stations where Sue has been interviewed

See all the websites that have featured and interviewed Sue here.

Here are some suggested questions for your interview with Intuitive Sue Frederick, author of Through a Divine Lens & I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive’s Guide to Finding the Work You Came Here to do.

  1. Intuition: What is it? Are we all intuitive?
  2. Why do we need to listen to our intuition? How does it help us?
  3. What does our intuition have to do with our careers?
  4. How does intuition help us connect to our departed beloveds?
  5. When my loved one crossed over my career lost its meaning. Why is that?
  6. I just lost a child and now my whole life is up for reinvention. How do I navigate that?
  7. How do we develop our own intuition?
  8. Sue, how did you find and develop your intuitive abilities?
  9. Sue, you say that we all have a mission for our lifetime. Can you explain that?
  10. Does our mission have to be manifested through our work/career?
  11. Do I (the interviewer) have a mission? What is it?
  12. Do you (Sue) have a mission? What is it?
  13. How do you help clients find their life’s work?
  14. How do you help grieving people connect to their departed for healing?
  15. Do our departed want us to connect with them?
  16. How does the everyday person who is struggling to make a living benefit from knowing their mission?
  17. How do they find their true work even in a bad economy?
  18. How do I know if I’m already doing my true work and accomplishing my mission?
  19. How do I know if I’m off-path?
  20. Why do people have to keep changing or reinventing their career directions?
  21. How can everyday people find work they love that also makes good money?
  22. How do I help my spouse/loved one who seems very unhappy with their career?
  23. What does it mean if I used to love my work and I don’t anymore?
  24. What if I’ve just been fired or laid off?
  25. Tell us about your newest book: Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego & Align with Your Soul.
  26. How can someone follow up with you to learn more?

Book Sue for these Topics


Author and life-long Intuitive Sue Frederick’s work, described as a “breath of fresh air” and “an enlightened new perspective,” has been featured in The New York Times, CNN, Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Complete Woman, Natural Health, Fit Yoga, and at venues like Omega Institute in Rhinebeck New York. She’s been interviewed on more than 200 radio and TV shows including Bridging Heaven & Earth. She’s the author of Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego & Align with Your Soul; I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive’s Guide to Finding the Work You Came Here to do; and I See Your Soul Mate: An Intuitive’s Guide to Finding & Keeping Love; and Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side; Your Divine Lens; The Secret to finding purpose, healing grief and living in alignment with your soul; and Water Oak: The Happiness of Longing.

For more info, visit or email
or call 303-939-8574.