Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev Sue

Dear Beloveds who are seeking a session with me,

I need to ask for your patience and support as I work with some unexpected medical issues. I value and rely on your support, and I may need your help in being flexible around changes to the scheduling of your appointment to help accommodate unexpected changes on my end.

Blessings and gratitude,

Rev Sue

Who Will You Be Now?

Whenever we’re experiencing deep loss or illness, we stop dreaming. We only focus on the pain and the past. Have you ever seen a dog lick its wound obsessively and thus prevent healing? That’s what we do with our pain. It’s okay to do this for a little while. But...

Pain Fuels Your Career

Here’s the secret: The more pain you feel, the more energy you have to launch your new life and a more meaningful career. See the pain as fuel – not as something that stops you from moving forward. “There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” Carl Jung When...

What is Reality?

You don’t understand what reality is. You’ve been misled into believing that the seen world is more real than the unseen world of thoughts, beliefs and energy. Quantum physicists remind us that at the core of all matter (which makes up our reality) are endless waves...

Our Impermanent Permanence: Riding the Waves

We want to believe that everything lasts. We last. Our loved ones last. That what we feel today is forever. But it’s more like water. Waves upon waves of change and uncertainty shifting around us causing us to lose our footing…

Putting an end to relationship strikeout

Do you long for true love? Do you believe your soul mate is out there? In a recent interview with Spiritual Broadcasting Network I shared some indepth information from my book I See Your Soulmate, watch the video below just hit the play button. I hope you enjoy this...