positive-energy1Whenever we’re experiencing deep loss or illness, we stop dreaming. We only focus on the pain and the past. Have you ever seen a dog lick its wound obsessively and thus prevent healing? That’s what we do with our pain.

It’s okay to do this for a little while. But recognize that it’s not helping you. In order to make things in your life get better – you have to start dreaming of what you want next.

When a loved one has died, we sometimes feel like we’re betraying them if we move on and stop licking the wound. This is clearly not the case. Your loved one is watching you from the other realm and desperately wants you to let go and be happy again. Releasing your attachment is the greatest gift you can give someone who has passed on. Bless them on their way to the higher realms.

If you could have a conversation with your deceased loved one, he or she would tell you that your grief hurts them too. Your painful attachment prevents them from moving on to the great adventure awaiting them in the higher realms.

When my husband died, Chief Fools Crow (who was in North Dakota and miles from civilization) hiked to a phone booth in order to call our mutual contact in Denver – who then called me in Boulder and said, “Paul has passed on now, and the spirit guides are guiding him to higher realms. But if you wallow in your grief, you’ll prevent him from moving on to where he needs to go to find peace.”

This phone call greeted me the moment I returned home from the hospital after Paul had died. His words truly helped me; I didn’t want to hurt Paul by holding onto my grief.

If the person you’re grieving over is still alive, but they’ve chosen not to be in a relationship with you – you have only one option.

Throughout the day, say this to yourself:

“Okay, I wasn’t being my brilliant self. My energy was terrible, so she (or he) left me. Now I am doing everything in my power to raise my energy. I will soon attract him (or someone greater) into my life.”

Remember, life is simply an energy contest. The person with the best energy always attracts the life and love they want.