Light is greater than dark. Always. Love is greater than fear. Always.
Choose your side, your words, and your actions to align with the light. Move forward into grace. You are divinely blessed and deeply loved.
When you choose fear and darkness, you’re not in alignment with the grace that abounds within and without you. You’re lost in the static and unable to hear the ever-present loving guidance.
Sit in silence at least once a day or so much is missed, so many mistakes made. Doing this is easier than not doing it, because everything shifts when you’re silent and have quieted the mind.
You’ll barely realize the grace that surrounds you when you get up from your sacred stillness and go about your day. But at the end of the day, when you review events, you’ll recognize the light that illuminated your choices.
All religions have tried to teach this in different ways. The ego-based ideas of humans have corrupted so much truth that was originally channeled from the divine. Religion was meant to be a ritual of silent connection, but so much was lost in human translations.
Your body is simply the vehicle that was perfectly designed for your unique journey. Each body and personality is so unique in its personal vibration. All of this was finely tuned and planned before your lifetime began. You can trust that your body and your personality are carrying you exactly where you need to go.
The same is true of your brain. Your brain was perfectly designed for the gifts you carried into this lifetime. There are no flaws in the design of anyone’s brain or body. Each piece of you is in perfect alignment with your soul’s mission and what you’ve come here to accomplish for humanity.
The older your soul, the greater your intent to accomplish something grand, to participate in the shift for higher consciousness. You would not be reading these words if you weren’t one of these old souls who came here with a great purpose.
Yet once you arrived, you struggled like everyone else to adapt to the dense energy here, often feeling like a fish out of water. Your body and brain is the earth suit you designed for the task of getting up and fulfilling your mission.
So stand up. Brush the dust off. Take a deep breath. Begin walking. Even if you don’t know where to go, take a step forward. You’ll be guided each inch of the way. You already have been. So take a step and trust.
From my new book: Your Divine Lens
I have just completed your grief intuitive course, and I am feeling good about myself and moving forward with my life with more confidence. some days I struggle (I lost my son in 2008) but its when I meditate and connect back to him I feel so good. this course has helped me, I loved working with the 6 clients I chose for this adventure, even though it involved a lot of pain for most of them, I feel I really helped them. I hope we will get to meet at some point in time. love and light.. ann