It was an honor speaking to grieving parents on July 13

It was the honor of a lifetime to speak to this international group of grieving parents on July 13. This video is the presentation: I’ve worked with grieving parents since the 2013 publication of my book Bridges to Heaven: True...

Write It Raw! Tell It Raw!

We need to stop pretending. Pretending we are different from, better than, separate from; pretending that we’ve never lived through raw jagged pain; never felt bone shattering loss; never been sickened by extraordinary guilt; never been shamed down to the core...

What Long Beach gave us that we’ll never get over…

I’ve just returned from a family funeral gathering in New Orleans where we honored the life of my beautiful Aunt BeeDee. It was a reunion of cousins, siblings and of our generations-long love affair with our childhood home in Long Beach, Miss. that we lost to...

Over the Day, the Mood in the Room Turned from Sorrow to Uplift…

This is from one of my Bridges to Heaven grief workshop attendees in New York who writes for the New York Times. She recently lost her partner, Laura, to cancer. She writes about her healing experience in my class: Yesterday I went to the ‘Healing Our Grief’ workshop...