Feelin our feelings….

Feelin our feelings… Yes the law of attraction is correct that our energy affects us (for better or worse) and impacts how we move through challenges. But we also agree to certain challenges as part of our soul’s life plan – to help us evolve. This is why we’re...

It’s so hard to explain what happens in this grief-shifting work…

Let me try to explain what teaching this weekend’s grief-shifting workshop at Kripalu Center was like. It’s impossible to put into words everything we went through together and where we ended up. But let me try to take you on this journey: Friday night 30+ strangers...

My Shared Death Experience

Loved speaking at the IANDS conference this weekend. I shared an except from Water Oak: The Happiness of Longing that describes what’s being called a “shared death experience” – something that many people experience when a loved one dies....

It’s July 14 & my life has just changed completely…

It’s the morning of July 14, 1980. I awaken to the sounds of a mourning dove outside my window and a view of Boulder’s sacred limestone slabs reaching into the clouds; these front range Rocky Mountain slopes are where my husband and I once spent happy afternoons...

My Dying Friend: A Hard Conversation…

Last night I spent two hours having a “what happens when we die” conversation with a friend I’ve known since the 80s. She’s dying from stage 4 cancer. It was diagnosed in December. She said her friends don’t talk to her about spirituality...