Write your story. Sit with pen in hand and see what mixture of pain and wisdom pours through you. You will surprise yourself. You’ll read it later and weep at your own beauty; at the light of your soul’s truth. At the answers revealed in a moment of quiet contemplation.
When we can’t talk – we write. When we sit in stunned bewilderment instead of working, we write. It cleanses the soul and opens us to our higher wisdom. It lifts us above. It reveals new opportunities.
I’m inviting you to a webinar on Saturday April 4 from 9 am to 2 pm Pacific Time – where we’ll write our experiences, feelings and fears about this pandemic situation and share it with each other. For some of us, this writing will lead to a future book project. For others, it will be a way of getting closer to what’s truly in our hearts; it will help us heal – and rise above our circumstances.
I have a gift for helping people write from their deepest truth and bring a higher wisdom to their own stories. This is a time for exploring why this pandemic is happening to us and what we’re being called to learn.
I’ll include meditation tools and sacred writing processes to help you go within and write from the deepest part of yourself. Sharing these stories with each other will connect us in profound and enlightening ways. This will be the beginning of your truth story; of the way you’ll tap into your own inner wisdom and intuition as you move forward through these uncertain times.
You do not need to be a writer to attend. Just be willing to look deeply at your life and your daily struggles – so that your inner wisdom can open up to guide you forward.