When I cross over, I’ll apologize for the wasted days here, the endless pain, the soaring doubt and aching exhaustion – the days when I didn’t move. My divine beloveds will hold me and tell me that it was all part of the play, the dance of life, and exactly what they expected.

They’ll remind me that I couldn’t have lived here without each moment of deeply felt pain, determined anger, or paralyzing doubt. These profound feelings, they’ll explain, led me to my moments of boundless love, soul-shaking awe, inspired wisdom and healing grace.

What I know to be true is this: Our pain is on purpose. Our joy is the gift. Our heart is all that matters. Our mind is a great monkey loose in the forest and running amuck; it must be tamed.

Our truth is inside – always. It’s the inner voice that only speaks loud enough when we turn within, tame the monkey mind, and surrender assumptions; when we dip a trembling hand into the deepest water that terrifies us most and help someone who is drowning right beside us…

From my new book: Your Divine Lens