I see you. I know who you are. I’m pretty sure you’re an angel.
Someone once said those words to me. They were profoundly empowering.
I’ve since realized that these are the words we all need to hear – over and over in our lives; and that these words are absolutely true for YOU – and for everyone here on earth!
I see you. I know who you are. I’m pretty sure you’re an angel.
Digest those words. Take them inside. Embrace the part of you that is fully God; fully good; fully divine! That holy part of you is your essence. It’s who you came here to be.
Let the rest fall away. Drop the fear and anger and doubt. You don’t need that heavy costume covering up your essence; your divine Holy self.
Drop the exhaustion of maintaining false personality; simply be your gorgeous pure love divine essence self. The rest is just the result of your damages. Let it slide away like water rolling off of your body as you emerge from the ocean.
You are newly born today as you embrace the all powerful, all knowing, all loving Angel inside of you. Realize that you came here to share your gifts with the world and to make that your living; your way of sustaining yourself in this physical world.
As the unnecessary layers peel away; you’ll see it. You’ll own it. You’ll do it.
I see you. I know who you are. I’m pretty sure you’re an angel.
Do a session with me; I’ll help you align with your great divine self; realize your innate power and do the great work you came here to do…