What the woo woo moms have taught me: Proof of the divine
Boulder, Colorado
2855 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80304
Sunday August 1, 2021
Join me in person at Unity of Boulder on Sunday August 1, 2021 for a talk and workshop – live & in-person! I’m so excited to be returning to Boulder, my hometown of 40 years, for this event at Unity of Boulder! This inspiring talk & workshop comes from 40+ years of connecting to my departed & two decades of helping clients connect to theirs. Using sacred practices such as meditation, affirmative prayer, numerology and spirit-guided writing to access highest wisdom and connect to our God Consciousness – we align with our divinity where all answers are known and all paths revealed. Whatever traumas and losses you’ve experienced, your soul sees as perfect food for growth. Join us to experience your own proof of the divine.
Workshop Attendees learn:
-Meditations and sacred practices that open our hearts, quiet the mind & connect us to our divine knowing-ness.
-Interactive intuition exercises.
-Guided writing techniques to get guidance from our departed & our higher self.
-Sacred tools that empower us to live from the heart & embrace our soul’s wisdom.